Save Hong Kong from China

Save Hong Kong from China
(from 麥兜噹噹伴我心)

Wednesday, 10 December 2014


古德明  apple daily 20141210:

問:「左膠」應譯做unrealistic leftist(不現實的左派分子)還是utopian leftist(只講理想的左派分子)?
讀者示下的兩個譯法,意思都很清楚,和「左膠」這類意思模糊的詈駡語不同,因此也不大貼切。也許,「左膠」和英文新詞leftard差不多,英文常用 -ard指「人」,帶貶義,原是hard的縮畧,例如bastard(雜種)、coward(膽小鬼)、dotard(昏憒的老頭)、 drunkard(酒鬼)、dullard(笨蛋)、laggard(行動緩慢者)等。He is better described as a leftard than as a socialist即「他與其說是個社會主義者,不如說是個左鳥」。


你問一個「大中華膠」這兩個詞,自然不會有甚麼好事發生。其實大中華膠意思很清晰,就是把「大家都是中國人」這個價值觀置於其他一切之上的人。至於「左膠」確是含糊,一來你要明白「膠」這個字在高登的「真心膠」含意(很多左膠是真心相信那些理念的,不是個個都是共諜);二來左膠狹義來說只是指「雙輝一葉」那種小資產階級卻對左翼思想有浪漫幻想的社運青年,但最廣義卻包括整個泛民和理非體系,跟本不算左翼。所以譯作 leftard 似乎太過惡毒; leftist 卻又有那個不是 unrealistic 或 utopian 的?

我也沒好氣,直譯 left plastic 算了。

What is left plastic?

This is a term in Hong Kong politics that was invented several years ago and gaining more public exposure recently. It is very difficult to give a precise translation as its meaning even in Chinese is somewhat ambiguous. It is a negative term. In a narrow sense, it refers to those (usually young) people participating in pro-democratic political movements who have a romanticized fantasy towards left wing philosophy (though, to be fair, all left wing philosophies are romantic fantasies...) and smuggle their left wing agenda into every political movement. In the context of HK politics, they, for example, portray mainland Chinese migrants as victims and believe local HK people have the "original sin" of being brought up in a capitalist world. (Curiously enough, they themselves often have a middle-class background and are beneficiaries of capitalism...) Their political agenda therefore coincides with the Chinese government's colonial policy. They (unlike some of their Western counterparts) are also very obsessed with non-violent, "alternative" way of protests: their protests involve demonstrating that "the people are weak" and beg for mercy from those in power.

A related term is "Greater Chinese plastic" which refers to those who believe that the principle "we (HK people and mainland Chinese) are all Chinese" must be held above everything else. For example this means we should allow unlimited immigration since if we are all Chinese it is not even immigration in the first place. The two groups of plastics have dominated the pro-democratic camp of HK politics for 30 years, effectively restraining all protests to manageable and acceptable levels.

"Plastic" originates on-line and sounds similar to (one of the many words that mean) "penis" in Cantonese, and this is where its derogatory meaning come from. However, "plastic" carries a more light-hearted sense, and means someone or something unbelievably stupid but also funny. For example, "true-hearted plastic" refers to someone, in an almost affectionate way, who is naive, or unaware of something that everyone else knows. In this context left plastic means those who are unaware of, or unwilling to believe, the catastrophic consequences of applying their left-wing ideology to HK. 

Thursday, 13 November 2014

德開歐盟先例 拒向新移民派福利



Friday, 31 October 2014

BBC accused of inaccurate report claiming HK protestors received training

The BBC is accused of an inaccurate report which claimed the protestors in Hong Kong received training by participants of Oslo Freedom Forum:

The Western media haven't got a clue what is happening in Hong Kong. Let me offer some help...

The Occupy Central with Love and Peace (OCLP), which Benny Tai is one of the three mainly responsible, has no control over the current occupation in HK, since the beginning and at any point throughout. The occupation was started as a spontaneous and self-organized reaction to the police's use of teargas against student protests on Sept 28. The current occupation is not in any shape or form close to what OCLP organizers had in mind (more on this below), and many occupiers are not supporters of any organizations who claim to be leading or organizing this, OCLP included. Hence while it might be true that OCLP or whoever might have received training or trained some would-be participants, it is indeed untrue to claim that the current protestors (who are mainly student supporters, not OCLP supporters) are trained.

The Western media take the simplistic view that there are the pro-Beijing forces, and there are the pro-democracy parties, in HK. What you do not know is that people in HK are getting increasingly frustrated by the "mainstream" pro-democracy political parties and organisations, of which OCLP is one. For the last 30 years these mainstream parties controlled and dominated how the pro-democracy camp think and act. Most importantly they hold a "moderate" view and emphasize peaceful actions and even "love", against a brutal dictatorial regime (China). Their protests are in name only; they never really wanted their protests to have any real effect, for any revolutionary change may actually jeopardize their own established status. What they want is the occupation of moral high ground without having to make any real sacrifice.

Going back to OCLP, their initial plan was for protestors to simply sit down and wait for the police to arrest them, and they would not resist arrest or defend themselves when the police do so. In fact they did give ridiculous "training" to would-be participants on "how to behave peacefully and do not resist arrest" (yes, you read it correctly). They have been talking about this occupation since early 2013 but have avoided and postponed doing it as much as they could. In fact, if not for that fact that the students (Joshua Wong and co.) broke into a government-barricaded public square outside the government HQ on Sept 26 (a "violent" action that OCLP no doubt would not have approved of, had they knew it in advance), none of this would have happened - we would still be "talking" about occupying Central. In fact Central is still never occupied (the occupied areas are Admiralty, Mong Kok and Causeway Bay.) And once it started, the OCLP has tried to persuade the occupiers to disband on numerous occasions (almost on a daily basis). That's why the current occupiers would not listen to OCLP.

I think the BBC may be a bit bemused by their (OCLP's) reaction to the report; the BBC might think they are praising them when their report claimed that they are trained by those in the Oslo Forum. But OCLP and their kind of "moderate", mainstream parties are enslaved by the idea of "it is wrong to organize a revolution and overthrow the government", and "it is even more wrong to have foreign involvement in such activities". They have been actively denying that this is the "Umbrella Revolution", and renamed it as "Umbrella Movement". This is another reason why the more "aggressive" pro-democracy protestors despise the OCLP and the like.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Juliana Liu again - this time as a colonization foot soldier herself

Ah, Ms Juliana Liu again. No wonder she fiercely criticizes HK people's actions against mainland immigrants and "seung fei" (*) pregnant women. Because she herself is one! Congratulations Ms Liu, your baby will be a HK citizen in a month's time.

Some criticisms against her (in Chinese)

(*) "seung fei", which literally means "double-non", is the term given to those babies born in HK but where neither parent is a HK permanent resident. Somehow the laws here grant all such babies HK permanent residency. As a result countless mainland Chinese women cross the border and give birth to such babies, thereby enjoying the rights to education etc without paying any tax (along with numerous associated problems like taking up all spaces in hospitals, schools) and eventually acquiring permanent residency for the parents themselves as well. One of the main ways of population dilution, a key part of the Chinese colonization strategy.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

What do the Russian invasion and HK's 689 have in common

Ukraine crisis: Nato images 'show Russia troops'
Separatist leader Alexander Zakharchenko earlier told Russian TV that 3-4,000 Russian citizens were fighting in their ranks.

He said many of the Russians were former service-people or current service personnel on leave, insisting that all were volunteers.


Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Rotherham child abuse: fear of being labelled racist

All thanks to the leftists who over the years have "educated" the public into such fear... not to mention them turning the country into a budding bed for Islamic terrorists. As I always say, you leftists have blood on your hands...

The majority of those behind the abuse were described as Asian, while the majority of the reported victims were young white girls. The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled "racist" if they focused on victims' descriptions of the majority of abusers as "Asian" men.

陳雲 fb:


Wednesday, 20 August 2014

The joke of racial discrimination for a city with no sovereignty

(Extract of
Translated and slightly modified)

... these international organizations, perhaps affected by reports of Richard Tsoi, Ho Hei-wah, Shi Lishan and the like, are often blind-sided when looking at the problem of new immigrants in Hong Kong. They always interpret it as discrimination commonly found in other countries where they are against foreign immigrants or people coming from certain regions; they do not realise that Hong Kong do not hold its own sovereignty, and those who are "discriminated" are really from a country that holds the sovereignty of Hong Kong (in other words they are the foot soldiers of the colonizing empire).

Perhaps because it never happened in history that colonial settlers could have even lower living standards than local inhabitants, these international organizations are unable or unwilling to understand that the so-called "immigration" is simply an act of a massive country colonizing a small city with inferior population.

Even more ridiculously, as the international community could never imagine that a regional autonomous government will take the initiative to suppress their own people to favour outsiders, they could not understand that it is the majority local residents who are the victims of discrimination.
As the Hong Kong government does not hold its own sovereignty, it will only cater for the interest of its true sovereign holder (the colonizing China) and its 1.3 billion population, and take the lead in discriminating Hong Kong residents in education, immigration, tourism and other policies and suppress local interests.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Hong Kong people discriminate against mainland Chinese? Quite the other way round...

If you have heard from mainstream western media that Hong Kong people are "Fascist" and discriminatory against mainland Chinese, well, quite the opposite, Hong Kong people are being discriminated, right in Hong Kong, by mainland Chinese!

The HK government (which obviously is just a puppet of the Chinese government), following their master's plan of colonising HK, is doing everything in their power to favour mainland Chinese and discriminates against local HK people here. Among many other things, they faithfully follow Hitler's saying of eradicating a culture by destroying the language, and destroying the language by starting at schools (see who is Fascist here?)

This article attempts to explain some recent incidents about the eradication of Cantonese, the preference of employing teachers from mainland and the public defaecation habit of mainland Chinese. You won't read these views in mainstream western media, both because of the mainland Chinese working inside them and because of leftist views very common among "highly educated" people.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Friday, 11 April 2014

京拒單獨晤泛民 勢惹民憤??


真係恨到流晒口水喎,唔知有咩唔可以公告天下,要秘密進行呢... 你地賣港係人都知架啦,唔駛搞咁多野...

Sunday, 23 March 2014



服貿的問題,固然包括不平等條約、議會程序公義等問題。但似乎更重要的,是認識你的對手,從一開始就不應把對方看作正常的交易對手看待。當你們很認真慢慢談協議細節時,套用香港的俗語:「認真你就輸了」,你的對手根本是個騙子,人家事後反口不認賬,你事前把合約的條款寫得再清楚白,字眼上對你再有利 又如何?

Friday, 21 March 2014


(from facebook



Monday, 17 March 2014



擬引入內地水電 政府倡中港聯網 斷供電難追究

Wednesday, 12 February 2014


梁振英:陸路入境稅不可行 港人不能「未富先驕」


.... 休假逾10日的東莞市長,今早返回市委辦公室召開會議前,回應有地方官員建議市政府取締外來嫖客光顧時,直言建議不可行,聲言不可能只取締外來的嫖客,因現時每日有18萬名外地嫖客到訪東莞,但同時有10萬名東莞居民光顧,「係生活嘅一部份、經濟嘅一部份」,而嫖客到訪東莞能為基層帶來大量就業機會,故不可只抱單方面想法,呼籲東莞人不能「未富先驕」。

  市長重申,明白嫖客到訪東莞會對某些地區造成壓力,但指本地人及外地人在 東莞消費,對旅業有提振作用,市政府會研究提升接待能力,以及做好需求管理措施。

Thursday, 30 January 2014



