Save Hong Kong from China

Save Hong Kong from China
(from 麥兜噹噹伴我心)

Thursday, 31 March 2016



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Sunday, 13 March 2016

An article introducing "localism" at Hong Kong

'If you love China, you hate Hong Kong'

As far as English media is concerned, this is a reasonably accurate and less biased article...

On one level, it is about ring-fencing Hong Kong's identity and resources.
Says Dr Lee: "Localism is very strongly grounded in the differences between Hong Kongers and the 'invading' mainlanders'. Localists hate tolerance; they focus on Hong Kong's identity as a distinctive ethnic group, whose interests are being damaged."

Thus, for instance, rowdy localist protesters heckle mainland day-trippers as "locusts who deprive locals" of goods like formula milk. The entry of mainland immigrants, subject to a daily quota of 150, is also a festering issue. The mainland authorities decide who gets to come in.

Mr Lau underscores the unease, saying: "They are here, not just as tourists but residents, speaking putonghua (Mandarin). And you wonder, am I in Hong Kong or China?"

IT manager S. C. Lam, 40, says he supports localism. "We have lost too much to the Chinese - our economy, social welfare, our water. Traditional ways have not worked, so let's give localism a shot."

More importantly, by becoming a force in the political field, it forces the moderate pan-Democrats to "radicalise", says Mr Yau. "We will not get half (the support), but we can influence the centre."

Beijing's reaction to all this has been expectedly thunderous - it has branded the Mongkok rioters "separatists" - a label Mr Chow says he accepts "with honour".

Asked whether localism will simply cause Beijing to tighten its grip on Hong Kong, such as by ramming through an anti-subversion law, Mr Lau says: "It will happen anyway."

On the old-school pan-Democrats who have said they are Chinese patriots who "love China but hate the CCP", he says: "To us, if you love China, you hate Hong Kong."

Dr Lee says: "The degree of venom towards the pan-Democrats is even higher than towards the pro-Beijing establishment because localists see them as selling out."

Friday, 26 February 2016

【顧全大局 全民投 6 】

真正顧全大局的香港人,只有投 6 號梁天琦。

於 1997 年,中共在未經香港人授權下強行接管香港。多年來不斷違反一國兩制,除拒絕兌現真普選承諾外,更用每日 150 持單程證的大陸人溝淡香港本土人口,期間本港無權審批,並以雙非兒童、無上限自由行搶奪香港人福利及土地資源。


可惜香港的泛民主派為了一己私利,為了自身界別社福界及教育界的利益,不但沒有抵抗中共殖民惡行,更包庇大陸人來港侵吞香港人福利,包括於 2014 年聯署支持大陸人來港 1 年即可申領綜援 (21 位泛民議員)、爭取雙非兒童申領綜援 (張超雄)、鼓勵港中家庭團聚(蔡耀昌)、反對限奶令 (鄭家富)……


光復香港,時代革命。二月二十八日,為顧全大局,向中共殖民說不, 只有投 6 號 梁天琦。

(轉載自 2014 香港人醒覺)

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


Rap is usually not my cup of tea, but this time it is an exception worth making.

「I rap the police, I rap the government」

Hong Kong add oil! However difficult, we have to fight on!

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Protest against US support of HK Copyright Amendment Bill

SocREC 社會記錄頻道 added 32 new photos to the album: 05JAN2016 14:00 要求夏千福勿再撐網絡廿三條(相片)

Their slogans' English is a bit... never mind. Anyway, what is happening is that the HK government is proposing the copyright amendment bill. This will become an easy tool for the regime to suppress free speech and arrest political dissidents, because activists often use and distribute derived materials for satirical purposes. The most ridiculous part of the bill is that it allows the government to bypass the copyright holder to make criminal prosecutions against individuals, even if the copyright holder does not mind the use of their work.

The US government is supporting the bill for the commercial interests of US companies, and either is unaware of, or more likely, couldn't care less, about its political consequences. Seen in pictures are a "localist" political group ("HK-as-a-city-state") who have long advocated that the mainstream pro-democracy camp in HK are just working for the US, and not for HK people. This incident adds new evidence to this claim: those mainstream political parties pretend to be against the bill (so as to be seen on the side of free speech etc), but will do nothing other than sitting there and casting their votes, knowing full well that they don't have enough votes to stop the bill going through (due to the way the system is designed to prevent any real democracy.) Hence this localist group is protesting here directly to the US, appealing it to cease its support.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015


China's state visit to UK

Nauseating. That's what I have to say. A country, in the face of money, sell its dignity to foreign power. If David Cameron and George Osborne want to lick the Chinese ar$eholes it is perfectly fine, just don't drag the rest of us along. And the Queen. Leave the Queen alone!


Hong Kong 'forced shopping' attack sees tourist killed

Hong Kong 'forced shopping' attack sees tourist killed

The killed is mainland Chinese. The killer is mainland Chinese. The tour group "leader" is mainland Chinese. The tour company is a mainland Chinese company. The shop where forced shopping took place was also opened by mainland Chinese. And something like this is happening all the time. If mainland Chinese want to fight among themselves that's perfectly fine, but they always wreck Hong Kong's reputation by doing it in Hong Kong. And also claim to be Hongkongers when they are not (they are the so-called "new" Hongkongers.)

In China the media is of course also being deliberately misleading, portraying this as an Hongkonger attack on Chinese and is related to the hatred between the two groups. Which is fine by me actually. If anything, the real problem is that not enough HK people have woken up.

And in addition to "push up prices" and so on, can you care to mention that they are the faces of Chinese colonisation and are here to "exercise their sovereignty" - the real reason why we must resist them?